Getting started

Installing docker

Follow the installation instructions for Docker Engine as described on

If you're on linux and using the devicemapper backend docker containers will have a storage limit of 10GB. This might be too low for some toolchain configurations. Setup dm.basesize as described here.

Basic build instructions


The base command to build toolchains is

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc --help
  • /path/to/shared-dir is the full path to a local directory. The gdc-build container will store the final toolchain archives in this folder. It's also used to cache source code archives between builds. This directory can be empty.
  • -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc specifies that we want to run the gdc-build container. Docker will automatically download the container if it's not already cached.
  • /usr/bin/build-gdc is the build script which is run inside the docker container. It currently supports one command: build.

Build example

To build the GCC-4.9 toolchain with target=arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf and host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 (running on Windows 64bit X86, generating code for ARM linux, hardfloat variant) use the build command:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf

The value passed to --toolchain is the relative path of the toolchain configuration. All toolchain configurations can be browsed at github.

Building multiple toolchains at once

It's possible to build multiple toolchains at once by using multiple --toolchain arguments. build-gdc will avoid rebuilding dependencies.

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf  --toolchain=x86_64-linux-gnu/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf

Additional options

The build command accepts some more options:

  • --verbose Emit debug output.
  • --init-downloads Do not merge download list from, start a new list.
  • --init-database Do not merge database from, start a new database.

Building a specific GDC revision

By default the build-gdc tool always builds the lastest GDC revision in the corresponding branch. To build a specific revision, use the --revision switch. As it's possible to build different GCC versions at the same time we need a way to specify one revision per GCC version:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf --revision=V4_9:f378f9ab41 --revision=V5:abcdef --revision=snapshot:ascdfe

The part after : will be passed directly to git checkout. Because of that it's also possible to specify tags or branches:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf --revision=V4_9:origin/some-v9-branch --revision=V5:origin/v2.066.1_gcc5

Specifying build-gdc-config revision

build-gdc also uses the latest version of the configuration files by default. It's possible to specify a different revision by using --config-revision.

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain=x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-4.9/arm-gdcproject-linux-gnueabihf --config-revision=abbcccde

Building a list of toolchains

Instead of using many --toolchain= arguments it's also possible to supply a JSON file listing all toolchains. An example JSON file could look like this:


Use the --toolchain-list argument to specify the path to the json file:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain-list=/home/build/shared/arm.json

Note: The json file must be in /path/to/shared-dir and the path must be adjusted as shown in the example.

There are some predefined lists in the build-gdc-config repository. These can be used by simply passing the filename to --toolchain-list:

docker run -v /path/to/shared-dir:/home/build/shared -t D-Programming-GDC/build-gdc /usr/bin/build-gdc build --toolchain-list=all-gcc5